I have been with him for 3 years, he is not as bad as he used to be but still finds an excuse to drink. has anyone been in the same situation? Wnd when he drinks he gets so pissed he can't stand up most of the time. We argue about it the next day but there isn't really anything to argue about. I have kept a diary of when he drinks etc as he never goes without drinking for more than 4 days in a row. This is better than everyday as it used to be but I am scared of wasting my life - I am 36 and want to settle down and have kids etc -how long do i wait. WHen will I know that things have really changed?And if things get better, how will i know that the problem is not lying dormant and waiting to come back out and ruin my life. Apart from his drinking he is perfect. I always thought an alcoholic is only reformed if he never drinks again- he wont do this because he loves his drink too much, so instead, he says is controlling it instead of abstaining. Is this really possible?Will my registered alcoholic boyfriend ever change?
no it is not possible...he is lying and controlling you....run in the other direction...he is a sick man....Will my registered alcoholic boyfriend ever change?
He'll never change. Move on. I waited for 4 years for my ex-husband to grow up. Now, his recently thrown out new wife is waiting on the same thing, while he's screwing a married woman.
I am so glad I divorced him.
only time can tell, only time...
Join a group called alanon. Its for the partners of Alcoholics ( not for Alcoholics) and that group will help you to understand the situation. It is free!
Alcolism is a disease that can only be controlled by not drinking.
Until he is ready to get a handle on his drinking he will never change, so multiply that scenario about 1,000 times and that is how your life will be and you will not be married to him. Sometimes you have to let that go and find someone new, and better for you. Don't ever settle for second best. You are so much better than that.
He's not going to change. Dump him and stop wasting precious ink and paper. It'll get you no where.
You've put up with an obnoxious drunk for 3 years who you admit loves alcohol more than you?
Aren't you better that that?
You deserve better.
Why are you wasting time on a man who has no respect for you or himself?
You want to have children with a drunk?
Come on, you deserve better.
im coming up on a yr with onlly a handful well four slips and even then I dont crave like I used to. That is the key for me .. Im so mad at myself drinking makes me take it out on others . I want it all ... now ... I will give you the world if youll give me an ounce of uncondional love.
Okay my boyfriend is the same way except he still drinks everyday. It kind've depends. See my boyfriend knows that he drinks too much and wants to stop and clean up his life. If your guy does not even see that he has a problem than there is no way for him to control it. Once he admits that he has an issue with it than he can control it instead of cutting it off all together. As for whether you should stick around it depends. Do you love him? Do you want to help him get over this? If you answer yes to those questions you can not just walk away your heart would break for him but if you answer no to either one that it is time to step aside. Good luck to you!
OK...what i did with my ex alky husband was i used to film him secretly when he was drunk...from start to finish....his personality would change so rapidly...then when he'd passed out i saved the recordings, and then at a later date i showed him (when he was sober) what he was really like...he got help....he was disgusted in himself, and felt bad about how he treated me when he was drunk, this helped him alot, it brought home the truth for him, the person he was when he was drunk...he was ok sober but a nasty horrible abusive lout when he was drunk...he does not drink any more...try and get him on film and show him what he's doing to himself and what he's doing to your relationship...a shock like that should wake him up...he won't really stop unless it's in his heart to stop, bu this may be a way of showing him what damage he's doing...never th less, if you feel that your life is on hold because he's drinking, ten i suggest you find someone else who's capable of giving you a good life, don't hang around if your not happy....he has to help himself before you can help him, it's all down to him....notice i said ex....he did cheat, so his drinking was not the reason why we broke up...
A leopard doesn’t (usually) change his spots. There are cases of hard line “screw you I wont quit drinking” people who HAS quit drinking, and those people quit and got onto the road of recovery through a lot of tough love, respect and support from lovers and peers.
Its so easy to say “dump him”, but we all know it’s a lot easier to talk than to do. If you really love this guy, and want to be with him, love him unconditionally. Do not judge his actions, because he is under the influence of a very powerful force. By loving hum unconditionally and not judging his actions, you can support him in seeing the way his life is ruining other’s, and through that you can begin his path to recovery.
It will be tough, but everything worth having is worth fighting for.
As The Guru said, join Alanon, you’ll get a lot of support and tips there.
Good luck!
Day to day life can be difficult enough without the problems of an alcoholic.
Time to get out and hope you can find a decent chap to give you a family before time runs out.
My nephew is an alcoholic and has been fighting off drinking for several months now. He hasn't had a drink of anything in over 3 months. He went to AA meetings for a few weeks when he first started and now he goes once a week. Also, AlAnon for the family members is a great place to go if you are going to help him through it. I don't believe you can drink sometimes if you are an alcoholic. The problem with that is that you still have the negative behaviour when you do drink....that part of the problem is still there. I suggest that you try to get him to an AA meeting....go with him. You don't have to participate, you can sit in the back and just listen. Trust me, it will be eye opening. I also think that you have to take care of yourself and think about your future in all of this. If he's not willing to get the help he needs, the problem isn't going away by itself. Only you can decide when enough is enough. I wish you luck in all of this. He can get better!!! You just need to get the help.
Dump him babe. I put up with a drunk for 8 years and had 2 kids with him. He never changed and never will. Now it's the kids he lets down in stead of me but only because i woke up to him and kicked him into touch a long time ago.
Don't put up with second best like i did. You are worth so much more and for God sake don't have any kids by him or you will never have him totally out of your life.
God Bless and Good Luck.
run my girlfriend dont stop drinking if i didnt have kids with her she be long gone she has a drink the just pissoff leaving the kids with me so run while you got a chance dont waste any more time
He will NEVER change darling
He can change if he wants to.
You need to live your life for yourself not others.
Forget trying to help your useless husband.You are wasting your time. You cannot help him,only he can help himself.
By leaving him-you may shock him into action,but don't hold your breath.
I was a drunk,-I only changed once I had lost everything-including my family.
I sorted myself out, and rebuilt my life and business,
Everyone is an individual on this, no one is the same so hard to comment on the long term? AA is a waste of time you can't blame him on that one! He may benefit with prescribed drugs? But at the end of the day HE has got to want to stop drinking and he doesn't want to! Alcoholism is a tough cookie, it's legal and widely available!
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